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Comacchio » COMACCHIO

Getting to the Museum of the Marshes is not difficult. Just exit the Ferrara-Lidi dual carriageway at Comacchio and follow the signs along the Romea A-road that lead to the starting point for boat excursions: Foce Station.
The visit has intense appeal and lasts about a couple of hours.
Over the centuries the Valli di Comacchio have been witness to the local population’s struggle to survive in the face of the elements and encroaching nature which has been as long as it has been ardous; a delicate balance between land and water that man has steadily attempted to bend to his own needs, the story of which is gathered within the museum. History, civilisation, nature and society come together within this vast area, a living, open-air museum that goes beyond its walls and exhibits, organised around the elements it talks of, a museum that is the territory itself on which it stands.
Flora and fauna merge with history and anthropology. The animals and plants co-exist with the locals and their customs and traditions, on the rises in the land, in the stretches of water and in the “casoni”, the old houses of the marsh dwellers, still with their furniture and equipment. Entering these places the visitor is constantly aware of history that has close links with the strength and rhythm of the surrounding nature.
A fascinating journey that comprises sensations and learning, an intricate maze whose solution is to be found in the wake of a boat that plots a route over the waters of the marsh.

It is one of the most humid and charming areas of the Po Delta Park. It has a surface of approximately 2,000 hectares and it is made up of three lagoon basins, Valle Nuova, Valle Bertuzzi and Val Cantone. It is a private fishing area (one can notice the casoni of Valle Nuova and Val Cantone). The vegetation includes mostly reeds and halophytes. In the middle between Valle Nuova and Valle Bertuzzi there is a small holm oak forest, where cormorants and little egrets nest.
Among the birds one can admire herons, grebes, mud-dwellers, sea gulls, anatids and rails. Since the water is very salty, pink flamingoes stop here especially during summer.
Among fish species, we find grey mullets, eels and sea basses.
Visitors can see the lagoon only from the outside, from the Acciaioli road that divides it from the Nazioni Lake.


Agriturismo Novara
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